December 25, 2011

And The 2011 Holiday Season Is A Wrap...Almost

It is Christmas night in Huntsville, Alabama. We have been to both Louisville and Morehead, Kentucky and will head to Texas tomorrow. That's right, I said Texas. And yes, we are driving.

I am typing this under the influence of two days of overeating, too much time in the car and a large dose of Nyquil since my body thought it would be cool to get sick over Christmas. All in all, I feel like poo physically but can't help but feel overwhelmingly blessed emotionally.

For those of you that do not know, my husband is in the Army. I met my hottie helicopter pilot (and fell madly in love with him) only six months before he was to begin his third tour in Iraq. I never thought I would have to deal with spending the holiday season away from the love of my life because he was in a war zone. Needless to say, my entire experience of being a military spouse has thus far been quite an adventure and extremely humbling.

Before I ramble any more and my writing becomes worse as the Nyquil starts to do it's job, I have to share that I will go to sleep tonight feeling overwhelmingly grateful for many things. But first and foremost, I am grateful to spend the second Christmas in a row with my husband. There are so many military spouses out there that are missing out on this, including many friends of ours. I am writing this to remind myself to never take for granted the opportunity to be able to wake up nearly every day next to my husband. While I realize we will likely have one or two more Christmases via Skype in our lifetime, I hope to take them in stride and remember how wonderful nights like these were.

With that, I am off to my cold medicine-induced sleep. With my hottie helicopter pilot husband by my side.

Stay tuned for Texas travel tales and highlights from my sister's upcoming nuptials that will take place later this week. There's sure to be a good story or two to share.

Feel free to share the one thing you are most grateful for this holiday season. I would love to hear about it :)

1 comment:

  1. You can add me to that list of being grateful that we had my "helicopter hottie" home for the holidays this year too! Being a military family you never know what's coming down the pipes or what the future holds. Guess it helps us be one of the few families that it's a bit easier to remember not to take the day for granted. That being said, it's never to early for another reminder that we should be thankful for what we have each day.
